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To survive in an often hostile environment, man has had to adapt. He was obliged, consequently, to change the look he wore on the world. Thus he gradually learned to tame the fear and suffering. He gained greater control over his environment, but he knows now that he is part of a vast universe where every creature is part of the unchanging cycle of life, from birth to death.La nature même de sa conscience évolue et de nouvelles questions surgissent.

How? Why? Is there a beginning and an end? The notion of time appears. It definitely helped to enroll in the mind of man this quest for self.

The Art. Mastery of Time.

Man discovers in the line and the symbolic sign means to master time, to include the past, explain the present and anticipate the future. What he does not understand, he transcribed. The line, like any other form of artistic expression is at the forefront of the fighting, it broadens the field of consciousness and raises new questions.

Search the Sens ? my painting...

Try to capture, as at first glance, the reality of the world around us, the word ART may then takes its full meaning. Is this possible? I am trying to achieve this ideal, of course, is not verbalized or even conscious instinct premium. I did not itself reference, I draw on my experience and my imagination resources to my creation. Work material and light, try to be more faithful to myself, to release impulses of fear, anxiety, desires, and then open up the mind to the outside world, these are my goals .

Take the Time  !

It is a sometimes perilous exercise, but necessary. Take time is take a step back. It is here, through this existential problem that I draw my energy and remains the guiding thread of my creation. A work builds gradually, it becomes the sum of all experiences and all previous works.

The Work, the final touch.

The result of my research and trial and error, that are also conscious or unconscious, is often understood well after the completion of the work. It is she indeed only ever completed? It would be presumptuous to find perfection, is more difficult to accept with humility the error, it is an essential component of progress and evolution.

The Other.

The work lives through the eyes of the beholder, everyone will draw on his own subjectivity his notion of the beautiful and the ugly, it will be easy to make a judgment, his own judgment. However I wish that people breathe my paintings, they accept as colors are accepted, air and light.

Emotion, true, does not control.

The painting has great power as it speaks directly to our souls.

It is sufficient to look at the tables in the same way as

the child approaches the world when he sees it for the first time.


At the beginning was the Eye ...

© GALERIE GORALSKY  63 rue Général Gouraud – 67210 OBERNAI